procedure _ZUma_True; var ZMnum , i , j , itemNum : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 13 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(100 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin itemNum := This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); if itemNum > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + itemNum; This_Player.Take(Iname, itemNum); for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.Give('经验', ADDLFNum(1) * 1000); end; end; end; This_NPC.NpcNotice('恭喜“' + This_Player.Name +'回收祖玛装备获得: '+ inttostr(ADDLFNum(1) * 1000 div 10000 * ZMnum) + '万经验!' ); This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '恭喜你获得:' + inttostr(ADDLFNum(1) * 1000 div 10000 * ZMnum) + '万经验!\|' +'|{cmd}<返回/@main>'); end; procedure _Chiyue_all; var ZMnum , i : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 12 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(200 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin if This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname) > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); end; end; end; This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '你的包裹中有' + inttostr(ZMnum) + '件赤月装备,回收可获得:' + inttostr(ADDLFNum(2) div 1 * ZMnum) + '个元宝,你确定回收所有赤月装备吗?\|' +'|{cmd}<确认回收所有赤月装备/@Chiyue_True>' +'|{cmd}<返回/@zhuangDlg~2>'); end; procedure _Chiyue_True; var ZMnum , i , j , itemNum : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 12 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(200 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin itemNum := This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); if itemNum > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + itemNum; This_Player.Take(Iname, itemNum); for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.ScriptRequestAddYBNum(ADDLFNum(2)); end; end; end; This_NPC.NpcNotice('恭喜“' + This_Player.Name +'回收赤月装备获得: '+ inttostr(ADDLFNum(2) div 1 * ZMnum) + '个元宝!' ) This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '恭喜你获得:' + inttostr(ADDLFNum(2) div 1 * ZMnum) + '个元宝!\|' +'|{cmd}<返回/@main>'); // begin // // end; end; procedure _Chiyue_a22; var ZMnum , i : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 21 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(300 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin if This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname) > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); end; end; end; This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '你的包裹中有' + inttostr(ZMnum) + '件魔龙装备,回收可获得:' + inttostr(ADDLFNum(3) div 1 * ZMnum) + '个元宝,你确定回收所有魔龙装备吗?\|' +'|{cmd}<确认回收所有魔龙装备/@Chiyue_True22>' +'|{cmd}<返回/@zhuangDlg~3>'); end; procedure _Chiyue_True22; var ZMnum , i , j , itemNum : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 21 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(300 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin itemNum := This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); if itemNum > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + itemNum; This_Player.Take(Iname, itemNum); for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.ScriptRequestAddYBNum(ADDLFNum(3)); end; end; end; This_NPC.NpcNotice('恭喜“' + This_Player.Name +'回收魔龙装备获得: '+ inttostr(ADDLFNum(3) div 1 * ZMnum) + '个元宝!' ) This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '恭喜你获得:' + inttostr(ADDLFNum(3) div 1 * ZMnum) + '个元宝!\|' +'|{cmd}<返回/@main>'); end; procedure _ChiYue_a33; var ZMnum , i : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 9 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(400 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin if This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname) > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); end; end; end; This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '你的包裹中有' + inttostr(ZMnum) + '件普通装备,回收可获得:' + inttostr(ADDLFNum(4) div 1* ZMnum) + '个元宝,你确定回收所有普通装备吗?\|' +'|{cmd}<确认回收所有普通装备/@ZUma_True33>' +'|{cmd}<返回/@zhuangDlg~4>'); end;