program mir2; var Aw_rand1, Aw_rand2, Aw_rand3, Aw_rand4, Aw_rand5 : integer; bigAwitem : string; procedure OnInitialize; begin Aw_rand1:=1; Aw_rand2:=20; Aw_rand3:=50; Aw_rand4:=200; Aw_rand5:=500; bigAwitem:='黑铁头盔,圣战项链,法神项链,天尊项链,霸者之刃,屠龙,嗜魂法杖,无极棍,凤天魔甲,凰天魔衣'; end; function printStr(Pstr:string;Pid:integer):string; var len, arrlen, index, temp_len, temp_index, i : integer; str, temp_str : string; strArr : array[1..100] of string; begin str := Pstr; len := length(str); index:=1; for i:=1 to 100 do begin temp_str:= copy(str,index,len); temp_len := length(temp_str); temp_index := pos(',',temp_str); if temp_index = 0 then begin strArr[i] := copy(temp_str,0,temp_len); arrlen:=i; break; end else strArr[i] := copy(temp_str,0,temp_index-1); index := index + temp_index; end result:=strArr[Pid]; end; procedure domain; var count, index : integer; saiji,showAw, tocon : string; begin //This_Player.SetS(19,19, 0); count:=This_Player.GetS(19,19); if length(inttostr(count)) > 2 then begin tocon:=inttostr(100-strtoint(copy(inttostr(count), 2, 3))); end else tocon:=inttostr(100-count); index:=1+count div 100; showAw:=printStr(bigAwitem,index); if count > 999 then begin showAw:='你已获得本赛季所有奖励'; tocon:=''; end; case GetMonth of 3: begin saiji := 'S1赛季' end 4: begin saiji := 'S2赛季' end 5: begin saiji := 'S3赛季' end 6: begin saiji := 'S4赛季' end end; if This_Player.GMLevel > 0 then This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '<---------------------------------------------------------->'+ '|<'+ saiji +'/fcolor=253><宝藏/fcolor=249> '+ '|已抽 <'+inttostr(count)+'> 次'+ '|再抽 < '+tocon+' > 次获得 <['+ showAw+']/fcolor=250>'+ '|<---------------------------------------------------------->'+ '{cmd}'+ '|<首饰抽奖/@awDialg~randAw~1> ^<武器抽奖/@awDialg~randAw~2> ^<防具抽奖/@awDialg~randAw~3>'+ //'| '+ '|<GM管理/@setGM>|' ) else This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '<----------------------------------------------------------->'+ '|<'+ saiji +'/fcolor=253><宝藏/fcolor=249> '+ '|累抽 <'+inttostr(count)+'> 次'+ '|再抽 <'+tocon+'> 次获得 <['+ showAw+']/fcolor=250>'+ '|<---------------------------------------------------------->'+ '{cmd}'+ '|<首饰抽奖/@awDialg~randAw~1> ^<武器抽奖@awDialg~randAw~2> ^<防具抽奖/@awDialg~randAw~3>' //'|<防具抽奖/@awDialg~randAw~3> |' {^<物品抽奖/@awDialg~randAw~4>} ) end;