Program Mir2; {$I PanguSuit.pas} var MbNum:integer; MbWp:String; procedure OnInitialize; begin MbNum := 120000; //需要的声望值 MbWp := '精华x20 打怪暴率+20%'; //领取的物品,仅作展示用 end; { *=========================功能定制方式========================= * 马克思:QQ1603664923 *=========================尊重原创========================= } procedure Execute; var btotal,mtotal,i,j,x,temp,undex,index:Integer; showName,showPoint,temp_str,uname:String; rankName : Array [1..500] of String; rankInt : Array [1..500] of integer; begin if (GetHour = 0) and (GetMin = 0) then begin SetG(133,22,0);//清空狂暴+成 for i:=1 to 10 do begin uname:=ReadIniSectionStr('昨日BOSS积分.ini','排名',inttostr(i)); if length(uname) > 0 then begin WriteIniSectionStr('昨日BOSS积分.ini','领取情况',uname,''); WriteIniSectionStr('昨日BOSS积分.ini','排名', inttostr(i), ''); end; end; for i:=1 to 500 do begin if ReadIniSectionStr('BOSS积分.ini','玩家列表',inttostr(i)) = '' then break; showName:=ReadIniSectionStr('BOSS积分.ini','玩家列表',inttostr(i)); showPoint:=ReadIniSectionStr('BOSS积分.ini','积分情况',showName); rankName[i]:=showName; rankInt[i]:=strtointdef(showPoint,0); end; if showName <> '' then begin for i:=1 to 500 do begin //if rankInt[i] <= 0 then break; if rankName[i] = '' then break; for j:=1 to 500 do begin x:=j+1; //if (rankInt[j] <= 0) or (rankInt[x] <= 0) then break; if (rankName[j] = '') or (rankName[x] = '') then break; if rankInt[j] < rankInt[x] then begin temp := rankInt[j]; rankInt[j] := rankInt[x]; rankInt[x] := temp; temp_str:=rankName[j]; rankName[j] := rankName[x]; rankName[x] := temp_str; end; end; end; end; for i:=1 to 10 Do begin if rankName[i] <> '' then begin WriteIniSectionStr('昨日BOSS积分.ini','排名',inttostr(i),rankName[i]); WriteIniSectionStr('昨日BOSS积分.ini','领取情况',rankName[i],'未领取'); end; end; mtotal:=30000; //读取当日膜拜总声望; WriteIniSectionStr('昨日BOSS积分.ini','昨日膜拜总声望','Total',inttostr(mtotal)); for i:=1 to 500 do begin uname:=ReadIniSectionStr('BOSS积分.ini','玩家列表',inttostr(i)); if length(uname) > 0 then begin //WriteIniSectionStr('BOSS积分.ini','玩家列表', inttostr(i), ''); WriteIniSectionStr('BOSS积分.ini','积分情况',uname,''); WriteIniSectionStr('BOSS积分.ini','排名', inttostr(i), ''); end; end; WriteIniSectionStr('BOSS积分.ini','当日BOSS积分','Total',''); WriteIniSectionStr('BOSS积分.ini','当日膜拜总声望','Total',''); end; end;