procedure _dian3; var suiji :integer; begin suiji := random(100); if This_Player.GetV(112,11) >= 1 then begin if This_Player.GetV(112,12) >= 1 then begin if This_Player.GetV(112,13) <= 0 then begin if This_Player.YBnum >= 300 then begin if suiji < 30 then end else begin This_Player.ScriptRequestSubYBNum(300); This_Player.PlayerNotice('很遗憾:点第三盏天灯失败!',1); end; end else This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '点灯失败:你的元宝不足300个!|' +'|{cmd} <返回上页/@main> ^ <关闭此页/@exit>'); end else This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '点灯失败:你已经点燃了第三盏天灯!|' +'|{cmd} <返回上页/@main> ^ <关闭此页/@exit>') ; end else This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '点灯失败:请先点燃第二盏天灯!|' +'|{cmd} <返回上页/@main> ^ <关闭此页/@exit>') ; end else This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '点灯失败:请先点燃第一盏天灯!|' +'|{cmd} <返回上页/@main> ^ <关闭此页/@exit>') ; end; procedure _shenmi; begin if (This_Player.GetV(112,11) >= 1) and (This_Player.GetV(112,12) >= 1) and (This_Player.GetV(112,13) >= 1) and (This_Player.GetV(112,14) >= 1) then begin This_Player.RandomFlyto('G001~1'); This_Player.SetV(112,11,0); This_Player.SetV(112,12,0); This_Player.SetV(112,13,0); This_Player.SetV(112,14,0); This_Player.CallOut(This_Npc, 3600, 'chulai'); ServerSay('恭喜玩家[' + This_Player.Name + ']进入了[天灯副本地图]!', 70); end else This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '进入失败:未点燃全部天灯!|' +'|{cmd} <返回上页/@main> ^ <关闭此页/@exit>'); end; procedure chulai; begin if CompareText(This_Player.MapName,'G001~1') = 0 then Begin This_Player.RandomFlyTo('3'); This_Player.PlayerNotice('天灯副本:时间已到,传回土城!!',3); This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, +'天灯系统: |\' +'<天灯副本,时间已到,传回土城!!/fcolor=254>|\' +'|{cmd} <关闭此页/@exit> ^ <关闭此页/@exit>' ); end; end; end.