program Mir2; Procedure _doexit; begin This_Npc.CloseDialog(This_Player); end; function Gaoji0LB(price, num: Integer):boolean; begin result := true; end; procedure _YBBG2; begin if (GetHour = 20) and (GetMin < 59) then begin This_Player.CallOut(This_Npc, 1, 'MFBG22'); This_Player.FlyTo('D5071~30',9,11); ServerSay('玩家<' + This_Player.Name + '>,进入了激情泡点活动地图',5); end else begin This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, '<时间还未到,请耐心等待/FCOLOR=146>\ \'); end ; end; procedure _YBBG3; begin if (GetHour = 20) and (GetMin < 59) then begin This_Player.CallOut(This_Npc, 1, 'MFBG22'); This_Player.FlyTo('D5071~30',37,39); ServerSay('玩家<' + This_Player.Name + '>,进入了激情泡点活动地图',5); end else begin This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, '<时间还未到,请耐心等待/FCOLOR=146>\ \'); end ; end; procedure MFBG22; begin if (GetHour = 20) and (GetMin < 59) then begin if CompareText(This_Player.MapName,'D5071~30') = 0 then