var ZMnum , i , j , itemNum : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 40 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(600 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin itemNum := This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); This_Player.CallOut(This_NPC,1,'CHUANQI6'); if itemNum > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + itemNum; This_Player.Take(Iname, itemNum); for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.ScriptRequestAddYBNum(getZYBNum(6)); begin for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.Give('经验', getZexpNum(6)); end; end; end; end; end; procedure CHUANQI6; var ZMnum , i , j , itemNum : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 40 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(700 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin itemNum := This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); This_Player.CallOut(This_NPC,1,'YUTU6'); if itemNum > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + itemNum; This_Player.Take(Iname, itemNum); for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.ScriptRequestAddYBNum(getZYBNum(7)); begin for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.Give('经验', getZexpNum(7)); //ServerSay('' + This_Player.Name + '回收了' + inttostr(ZMnum) + '个传奇系列装备,获得了' + inttostr(getZYBNum(7) * ZMnum) + '个元宝', 3); end; end; end; end; end; procedure YUTU6; var ZMnum , i , j , itemNum : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 40 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(800 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin itemNum := This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); This_Player.CallOut(This_NPC,1,'SSPD6'); if itemNum > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + itemNum; This_Player.Take(Iname, itemNum); for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.ScriptRequestAddYBNum(getZYBNum(8)); begin for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.Give('经验', getZexpNum(8)); //ServerSay('' + This_Player.Name + '回收了' + inttostr(ZMnum) + '个玉兔系列装备,获得了' + inttostr(getZYBNum(8) * ZMnum) + '个元宝', 3); end; end; end; end; end; procedure _ciyin88; begin This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, '|<抱歉,开启失败,少侠,如果您执意要自动回收刺影系列装备,请手动回收,绝不阻拦.>\'); end; begin This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '|< ¤╭⌒╮╭⌒╮ 独家巨制>\'+ '|<╱◥██◣ ╭⌒╮>\'+ '|<︱田︱田田丨╰------------->\'+ '|<╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬>\'+ // '|<【注意】:/c=red>吊毛请注意,每个地图都有回收NPC!\'+ // '|<【注意】:/c=red>每次进入地图都找回收npc开启,切换别的地图就没有效果了\'+ '| <请问您需要开启吗/=250>\'+ '|{cmd}<自动回收/@goToMonMap>\' ); end.