end; //---------------------------------------声望回收结束--------------------------------------- procedure _1_KB; var ZMnum , i , j , itemNum : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 11 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(100 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin itemNum := This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); if itemNum > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + itemNum; This_Player.Take(Iname, itemNum); for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.Give('祖玛卷轴',getkbjzNum(1)); end; end; end; This_Player.PlayerNotice('你的包裹中有' + inttostr(ZMnum) + '件祖玛首饰,获得了:' + inttostr(getkbjzNum(1) * ZMnum) + '个祖玛卷轴!',0); end; procedure _2_KB; var ZMnum , i , j , itemNum : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 14 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(200 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin itemNum := This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); if itemNum > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + itemNum; This_Player.Take(Iname, itemNum); for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.Give('赤月卷轴',getkbjzNum(2)); end; end; end; This_Player.PlayerNotice('你的包裹中有' + inttostr(ZMnum) + '件赤月首饰,获得了:' + inttostr(getkbjzNum(2) * ZMnum) + '个赤月卷轴!',0); end; procedure _3_KB; var ZMnum , i , j , itemNum : integer; Iname : string; begin ZMnum := 0; for i := 1 to 19 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(300 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin itemNum := This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); if itemNum > 0 then begin ZMnum := ZMnum + itemNum; This_Player.Take(Iname, itemNum); for j := 1 to itemNum do This_Player.Give('魔龙卷轴',getkbjzNum(3)); end; end; end; This_Player.PlayerNotice('你的包裹中有' + inttostr(ZMnum) + '件魔龙首饰,获得了:' + inttostr(getkbjzNum(3) * ZMnum) + '个魔龙卷轴!',0); end; procedure domain; begin This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, '|<我这里可给你提供,祖玛级以上的装备回收服务,可以回收元宝,经验,声望!/c=243>\'+ +'|{cmd}<回收元宝/@huishou1> ^<回收经验/@huishou2>\' +'|{cmd}<回收声望/@huishou3> ^<一键捆绑/@huishou4>\' // +'|{cmd}<回收经验/@huishou2>\' ); end; Begin domain; end.